Saturday February 15, 2025. 2.00
Susan Eley Fine Art, Hudson, NY
Moderated by guest curator Katharine Dufault, the panel will feature several artists from the JANUS exhibition in an informal dialogue, offering insight into their creative processes.
This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from the artists, ask questions and learn about their work exploring themes of duality, transformation and reflection
I'm excited to curate the group show JANUS for Susan Eley Fine Art Hudson NY.
With 14 contemporary artists
January 9 - March 2nd, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday January 11 4-6
"Janus is the double-faced Roman god who looks backward and forward simultaneously. This duality evokes the idea of being on threshold, standing at the entrance to a portal between worlds. It suggests a moment of transition, where the boundaries between realities blur, offering a glimpse into magical realms. It is, perhaps, and opportunity to perceive or even embrace something extraordinary, a fleeting moment of connection to the mysterious and the sublime."
image: PORTAL, porcelain and gold luster, Alexandra Rutsch Brock, 2023
INT/EXT September 4-9
Opening event Wednesday, September 4, 5-8pm
Phytophilia curated by tANJA gRUNERT Gallery
Artists: Katharine Dufault, Larwre Stone and Janis Stemmermann
I'm excited to take part in this curator driven art show and will have five recent paintings on view - I hope to see you there!
GROUP EXHIBITION: Converge: 9th Benefit Exhibition
June 11 - August 3, 2024
Philadelphia, PA
image: Evening Walk, oil on cradled wood panel, 10x10, 2024
Thanks to Bernay Fine Art, I have 6 recent paintings on view at Canyon Ranch, Lenox. MA
September 6 - November 3, 2024
imageL Red Sky, watercolor on paper, 7x7, 2023
Group Exhibition: AMONG FRIENDS 4
April 5-14, 2024
Metaphor Projects
382 Atlantic Avenue
Invitational exhibition organized by Alexandra Rutsch Brock, Beth Dary and Patricia Fabricant.
"AMONG FRIENDS reflects and responds to the strength and illumination we find through art, friendship and community"
Percentage of sales going to Planned Parenthood
Image: LAKE VIEW, watercolor and gouache on paper, 9x7 inches, 2024
image; Winter White, encaustic on wood panel, 2016
Review of Show: HORIZON LINE at Joyce Goldstein Gallery
I'm pleased my landscape TREE TRIO is in the first picture!
Group Exhibition: Landscapes Of Transcendence: Part 1 - Magical Realism
December 14, 2023 - January 28, 2024
with: Karin Bruckner, Jim Denney, Katharine Dufault, Laurie Fader, Allison Green, Ketaro Hiramatsu, James Isherwood, April Dqwn Parker, Lili Prince & Ulla Scheinemann
Image: Dail Walk (Orange Ground) 2023, oi on cradeled wood panel, 30x40
Group Exhibition: Aqua Art Miami - ECO
Shim Art Network / Jill Krutick Fine Art
December 6-10
Exquisite Corpse display formed with eco-themed 7x7 inch sized work by 49 international artists
image: Lake View, watercolor on paper, 7x7, 2023
Benefit Fundraiser for The Painting Center
November 15 - January 25
Image: Trees in The Rain, 11x9, 2023
Group Exhibition: HORIZON LINE
Joyce Goldstein Gallery, Chatham, NY
Opening Reception: Sunday December 3, 1-3
Curated by David Humphrey & Susan Jennings
I'm delighted to be among a great group of artists in this show!
December 3 - January 6
Group Exhibition: HOLIDAY
Opening: Saturday Nov 25 & Sunday Nov 26 1-5
"The BIG show of small work"
image: Morning Gesture, oil on panel, 8x10, 2021
Artist talk between Gallerist / Art Dealer Tanja Grunert and Katharine Dufault, May 27, 2023
Exhibition: SUMMERTIME
July 15 - August 13, 2023
Bernay Fine Art is pleased to present their 5th Annual Summertime show. This show will feature the work of several gallery artists; Janet Rickus, Joy Taylor, Katharine Dufault and Sandy Litchfield. In addition, we are excited to include the work of Nancy Blum.
Opening Reception: July 15
Pop-up Group Exhibition: Tree At My Window Collective
July 22-24
I'll be showing work with the Tree At My Window Collective for Upstate Weekend 2023 in a pop up studio/ gallery space in Bearsville, NY
Saturday 12-5, artist talk with refreshments 5-7
Sunday 12-5
Collective Artists:
Claire McConaughy
Katharine Dufault
Lawre Stone
Julie Kirkpatric
Artist Talk and Closing Reception for REFRACTURED WILDERNESS
Saturday May 27, 2-5
433 Warren Street, Hudson, NY
Please join me for an Artist talk with Art Dealer and Gallerist Tanja Grunert, followed by a closing reception.
Exhibition: A Light Exists In Spring
Birdhouse Brooklyn
208 S 2nd Street
Wiliamsburg, NY
Opening Reception: Friday April 21, 5-9
Additional Viewing:
4/23. 4/24. 429, 12 - 6
Katharine Dufault & Michael Wright
Opening Reception: April 15, 5-7
April 14 - May 28
Thursday - Monday, 11-5
Join me at the opening reception! I will have over 24 recent works on display.
Exhibition: MASS MoMA: Artists of the Berkshires and Pioneer Valley
Opening Reception: April 1
April 1-30
Saturdays & Sundays 1-5pm
Curated by LABSpace
40 artists from the Berkshires and Pioneer Valley
Exhibition: Crossroads - Change in Rural America
Bushnell Sage Library Sheffield / Dewy Hall
April 14- 28
Opening Reception: April 14, 6.00, Dewy Hall, 91 Main Street, Sheffield Ma
Part of the traveling Smithsonian sponsored juried exhibition featuring Berkshire Artists - look at website for tie-in events
Exhibition: A Light Exists In Spring
Opening Reception: Friday April 21, 6-9
Saturday April 22 & Sunday April 23 12-6
Closing: Saturday April 29 12-6
Group Exhibition curated by Sunny Chapman
Katharine Dufault & Michael Wright
Opening Reception: April 15, 5-7
April 14 - May 28
Thursday - Monday, 11-5
Group Exhibition: HOLIDAY show of small works
Closing Party: Sunday February 19 1-5
December - February 19th
Saturdays and Sundays 1-5
Group Exhibition: Small Works Benefit Show
The Painting Center
The Painting Center is pleased to present the benefit exhibition hosted virtually on Artsy. The benefit exhibition will be active online from November 10, 2022 - January 25, 2023. We hope that you consider purchasing a work in the benefit exhibition in support of The Painting Center programs and the participating artists.
Image: Early Autumn, 7x5, oil on wood panel, 2022
Public Art: SPECTRUM
October 2022
130 12x9" art works in the colors of the rainbow wlll be on display as part of the Serious Fun Art Fair in White Plains, NY, Curated by Alexandra Rutsch Brock.
Image: Sailor's Delight, 12x9, oil on panel with gold
Virtual Group Show: THE COLOR OF NATURE
Inside Small part of Rockland Art Festival
Opening Reception: Wednesday November 9th
Image: Moon Reflection, 10x8" oil on panel, 2021
BFA for Canyon Ranch, Lenox, Ma
Bernay Fine Art has organized a group exhibition of paintings on view in the clerestory hall gallery at Canyon Ranch, Lenox for four artists.
I will be giving an artist talk with Q&A in October
image: Dandilion Meadow, oil on panel, 9x12, 2021
Public Art Installation: CHAIR OF HOPE PROJECT
I was honored to be one of 20 artists invited to participate in an art installation in memory of, and in solidarity with, all victims of gun violence.
Child-sized chairs were painted by each artist and installed in Amagansett, NY
Open Artist Studio
July 23-24, 2022
11 Tannery Brook Road
Woodstock, NY
12 - 6 pm
I'm yellow #25 - see map!
Open Artist Studio
July 23-24, 2022
11 Tannery Brook Road
Woodstock, NY
12 - 6 pm
I'm yellow #25 on map
Artist Open Studio
July 23-24, 2022
11 Tannery Brook Road
Woodstock, NY
12 - 6 pm
Group Exhibition: Among Friends 3
Equity Gallery
245 Broome Street, NYC
May 6 - 22, 2022
Over 300 artists create work on a zippered 5x7 paper - the works are then zippered together for hanging.
Image: Pink Sky, watercolor on paper, 7x5, 2022
Group Exhibition: ARTIST CLUB
April 7 - May 21, 2022
image: Evening Mountain, 16x20, oil on panel, 2021
GROUP EXHIBITION: Art Now: A Multiplicity Of Ideas
37 Popham Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583
January 22 - February 26, 2022
image: Afternoon Light, oil on linen, 2020, 24x30
Invitational Exhibition: HOLIDAY
Hillsdale, NY
Dec 11 & 12, 1-5
and weekends 1-5 until January 30
Image: Summer Walk, encaustic on panel, 8x8
Group Exhibition Fundraiser (virtual)
The Painting Center via ARTSY
December 6-13th
All artworks are $400
image: Landscape/ Red Sun, watercolor on paper, 12x9, 2020
GROUP EXHIBITION: Full Circle (virtual)
WoArt via 1stDibs
December 1-30, 2021
image: Celestial Variations II, monoprint, 12x12, 2020
GROUP EXHIBITION: The Best of Both Worlds
296 Main Street, Great Barrington, Ma
October 29 - December 2021
Opening Reception: October 30 4-6
image: Spring Walk, oil on panel, 12x9, 2021
SOLO EXHIBITION: Between Earth and Sky
Stark Gallery
Kent State University Ohio
November 2 - 30, 2021
image: Full Moon Over Quiet Trees, oil on linen, 12x20, 2020
CURATORIAL: Escapes, a solo exhibition of work by Roni Sherman Ramos
Opening Reception September 9, 5-8 pm
Read Curators Statement Here
CLOSING RECEPTION & Second Saturday Hudson
Saturday August 14, 5-8 pm
'Katharine Dufault and Sarah Lutz'
433 Warren Street, Hudson NY
Also part of : Second Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl
Galleries, retail and restaurants along Warren Street in Hudson will be open late . . .
ARTIST PANEL: Katharine Dufault and Anki King
Moderated by Alexandra Rutsch Brock
Saturday July 17, 3.00 pm
The Painting Center
547 West 27th Street
Suite 500
New York, NYC
Moderated by Alexandra Rutsch Brock
July 17 3.00
547 West 27th Street
Suite 500
SOLO Exhibition: To Be In The Same World
June 22 - July 17, 2021
Opening Reception: Thursday June 24 5-8
Image: Yearning For Spring, oil on panel, 16x20
433 Warren Street
Hudson NY
July15 - August !5, 2021
Opening Reception: Friday July 16 6-8
Image: River IV, oil on panel, 16x20
INTERVIEW with Rye Arts Center
Rye'sAbove - The Rye Art Center
Butterfly Fundraiser
Butterflies currently on view around Rye, NY
Image: painted steel butterfly, spring 2021
Juried Exhibition: USPS Art Project
Greenly Art Space, Signal Hill, CA
Three of my collaborative works were juried into this IRL exhibition in California.
Image shown: Collaboration with my daughter Emma Dufault: she collaged onto my mono print Night Trees.
I also have collaborations with Sarah Lutz and Sue Collier
Painting Residency
Eight-day self-directed art residency at Millay Colony For The Arts (COVID protocols required limited participants) I relished the physical space and time to finish works, create new paintings and assess all my work in preparation for an upcoming solo show in June - details to come! I also took long walks, sketched en plein air and and kept a journal. Socially distanced conversations with the other artist and two writers there were very welcome.
Deanna Evans Projects: FLAT FILE
Launching January 1, 2021
All works available for $200
Image: Celestial XXV, monoprint with acrylic and graphite ink on paper, 8x10
Invitational Exhibition: HOLIDAY
2642 NY Route 23
Hillsdale, NY
thru January 17, 2021
Image: HEAT, encaustic on panel, 8x8 (SOLD)
Juried Exhibition: smallWorks
December 5, 2020 - January 3, 2021
Image: ABSTRACT I, encaustic and shellac on panel, 7x5
Virtual Exhibition: SMALL WORKS
Castle Hill Gallery - Truro Center for the Arts
November 18 - December 18, 2020
Image: Night Visions VII, trace-monoprint on Kuzo paper with Akua inks and sliver, 8x5
Online Auction: VISIONS 2020
Pelham Art Center
image: Landscape Marsh VII, oil on canvas, 12x10
Virtual Exhibition: Ensemble: Together Again
The Painting Center
August 5 - September 5, 2020
Exhibition: USPS Art Project
The Pelham Art Center and online
Collaborations with other artists during COVID
I have six artworks on view -collaborations with Sarah Lutz (shown)
Anki King, Becky Yazdan
Article about collaborating with artists on artwork during COVID-19
Art Making Experience during COVID-19
Exhibition: DEEP BLUE SEE
Art for child abuse prevention month
April 1 - June 1, 2020
Ground Floor Gallery Brooklyn
online exhibition via ARTSY.net